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Before you can download it for free, first you need to follow some 3 easy steps below to unlock your download.
Step 1. Please support us by easy clicking the SHARE and all LIKE's button below.
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Step 1: First you need to download "Temple_Run_Android
APK File For Android Phones".
Step 2:
After Downloading the file, extract it using Winrar.
Step 3: Open the extracted file, right click then select "Copy" or "CTRL+C" the "Temple_Run_Android_V.1.11.apk"
Step 4: Connect you SD Card Using Your USB Cable.
Step 5: Open your SD Card Storage then "Paste" it inside your Removable SD Card.
Step 6: Remove your SD Card from your then open your Android Phone.
Step 7: Locate "Temple Run For Android Phones.apk" on your Android using your File Manager then wait until the setup of installation is completed.
Step 8: Done! Play and Enjoy "Temple Run On Your Android Phone With Your Friends.
Recent Comments:
Vannessa: This is awesome!.. love it! thnks...
20 secs ago.
Gamelover69: PC version is great!
33 secs ago.
sarahmae28: Thank you so much! It really works on my adroid phone.... XD
50 secs ago.
Lanie03: Woooooooohhh! I cant' stop playing it from pc! THANK YOU!
1 min ago.
Dianapie: @ Lanie03 because this is very addicting. LOL. by the way i appreciate it.
5 mins ago.
picKapicK: Wow. I love this game. I'm downloading it now.
20 mins ago.
markhill: I got it!!! I'm starting to play! Hurray!!!
32 mins ago.
addictedwill: Soooooooooo Cooooooool!!!!!
53 mins ago.
LuckY07: i'm very thankful 'cause i found it here. this is the best game ever! :D
1 hr ago.
ladyhanna: It really works! Thank you very much!
10 hrs ago.
AdroiD08: I can't believe it... i'm playing right now! Thanks thanks thanks
24 hrs ago.
downloader77: love it... i can't stop playing it! :P LOL
1 day ago.
Mandyhoney: Gracias! Me encanta jugar a este juego!
3 days ago.